Training Eucera Copilot for Unanswered or Escalated Questions #
In some cases, the users might ask questions that the most relevant answer to does not exist in your public articles or other data references.
If Eucera Copilot doesn’t find a relevant answer to a user’s question, you can train it to improve its responses. Follow these steps to ensure Copilot provides accurate and helpful answers in the future:
Step-by-Step Guide #
Access the Copilot Conversation Tab
- Navigate to the Copilot interface and go to the Conversation Tab.
- Here, you can filter questions that were not answered, escalated to support, or received negative feedback.
Analyze the Unanswered Questions
- Click on the Analysis Link next to the question to see the sources Copilot referenced while attempting to provide an answer.
- This will help you understand why Copilot couldn’t find a relevant answer.
Modify the References
- Click on the Modify button to update the references.
- In the modify screen, you can:
- Link the Most Relevant Article: Select an existing article that best answers the question.
- Create an Internal Article: If no existing article is suitable, create a new internal article that accurately addresses the question.
Add Additional Questions
- You can also add additional questions that might be relevant to the newly linked or created article. This helps Copilot understand various ways users might ask similar questions.
Save and Test
- Once you have made the necessary modifications, click Save.
- Copilot will retrain itself based on the new input and will prioritize using this content for future similar questions
- You can test the question by going to the Dojo/Playground tab and fire that question again.
By following these steps, you can ensure that Eucera Copilot remains a valuable tool for providing real-time, contextual assistance to your users.